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MHA Mark Dudley Scholarship

About the MHA Mark Dudley Scholarship

The Midwest Hemophilia Association, a Missouri not-for-profit corporation, is proud to offer the Mark Dudley Scholarship, to a qualified student in the hemophilia community.  It is our sincere hope this will, in a small part, assist in the further education of our youth.  The scholarship will be $1,000.00, applicable to the 2023-2024 school year.


The scholarship is open to any post-secondary undergraduate student who has been diagnosed with a bleeding disorder and lives in the service area of the Midwest Hemophilia Association.  The service area has been defined as western Missouri and all of Kansas.  The scholarship is for continuing education via college or trade school.  It will be the responsibility of the Board of Directors of the Midwest Hemophilia Association to review all applications and make a decision as to the recipient.  The funds may be used at the discretion of the recipient (i.e. books, tuition, room and board, etc.)  The recipient will be asked to submit a short report to the Midwest Hemophilia Association as to how the funds were used.
